The design of this website could be describes as very brief, no excessive information. This website is the place for those who understand what writing service is and for those who are aware of what they want to find. Samples of works are available for the customers. This company specializes on writing all the possible academic types of work.
To contact support you can either make a call or online chat with support representatives. Support works round the clock.
Price and Speed
Prices are competitive comparing to the prices on other websites in writing industry. It’s possible to get several types of work even in 3 hours, thought then customers have to pay 50% more in comparison to prices for regular orders.
Fist time customers can get a discount of 15%. This company developed new system of credits that they use instead of discounts. Thus, when you place your order, you will get 5% of the amount you pay as a credit you can use to pay for your next orders.
Customers can choose option Premium Quality, for this feature you need to pay double charge. But the only difference between regular paper quality and premium quality is that premium quality includes double checking for grammar and spelling mistakes. It’s simply insane to pay double charge for that.
Writers in this company are not only native English speakers. Customers can choose preferred language, it can be either British English or American English or not a native English speaker writer can be chosen.
The quality of papers written by this company is not higher than average. In fact I would order my paper on … to be absolutely sure about the result I get; the prices are alike on these 2 websites, but on … the quality is higher.
This company provides progressive system of credit instead of discount system; and new system does not sound convenient to the customers at all. Even thought the prices on this website are average prices in the writing industry, run-of-the-mill paper quality unlikely will leave you satisfied.
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